Its been a while since I did a newborn session due to being on maternity leave. I normally photograph babies around 1-2 weeks of age as it is easier to put them in the curled up poses you see; however, this year I want to challenge myself and photograph babies of all ages. Why? Because your baby is beautiful at any age. I know that with my own children I like to photograph every stage, yes the first two to four weeks are quite unique because they change SO quickly, not just developmentally but in their facial features as well. Having said that for one reason or another not everyone is able to organise a newborn session for the first two weeks, that doesn’t mean they should miss out on these early stages. Sure the photos will be different to newborn but they are still amazing and beautiful and capture your baby at a special time in their life.
Little Isaac was amazingly calm and at 4 weeks I was still able to do some newborn poses with him in the studio. He looked so cute in his little bunny suit and the whole family were just beautiful people. Congratulations x